Making cycling safe, secure and accessible is our mission at Cyclehoop. We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience the joy of cycling.
We understand that creating a cycle-friendly environment takes more than product innovations, so we take every opportunity to engage with partner organisations from across the sector to advocate for better cycling infrastructure. We share our knowledge gained from 15 years in the cycle parking and infrastructure arena, we support organisations and communities that share our values and we lobby government on cycling issues.
In February 2023, Cyclehoop US CEO, Andy Lambert testified in front of the Minnesota State Senate. His presentation was part of Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota’s (BikeMN) support of the Bill Dooley Bicycle Safety Act.
Named for dedicated African American cycling advocate and lobbyist Bill Dooley, it includes policy and funding provisions for active transportation infrastructure. It also features a ‘safe routes to school’ program, pushing investment in cycling education. The bill focuses on making cycling accessible to all.

Andy’s testimony:
“Good afternoon Chair Dibble, Vice Chair Morisson and other committee members, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. My name is Andy Lambert and I’m the CEO of Cyclehoop US, we design and manufacture bicycle parking and storage equipment and are based here in Minnesota.
Secure and convenient bicycle parking infrastructure in the active transportation ecosystem is a critical piece of the puzzle. If you own a car, you understand how important secure and convenient parking is. The same is true for those who use a bike to get around.
Bicycle registration companies in North America estimate that only 20% of all stolen bikes are reported, and last year there were approximately 190,000 bicycles reported stolen in the US. What’s worse is anywhere from 7% to 25% of theft victims never return to cycling.
Secure bicycle parking not only helps prevent theft, it encourages MORE people to use bikes for transportation and serves those who either by choice or circumstance, use bikes as an affordable and reliable way to get from A to B.
Making places more accommodating for transportation cyclists is good for business too. Researchers at UC Davis’s Institute of Transportation Studies recently published a review of 23 studies titled “Economic impacts on local businesses of investments in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure: a review of the evidence”.
The studies they reviewed either quantified and compared consumer spending between active travellers and automobile users (or) quantified an economic impact to local businesses following the installation of bicycle or pedestrian facilities.
Taken together, the studies indicate that creating or improving active travel facilities generally has positive economic impacts on retail and food service businesses abutting or within a short distance of the facilities.
The state active transportation and federal transportation alternatives programs give communities the opportunity to apply for funding to implement their entire bicycle and pedestrian plans, both program and infrastructure.
Senator Morrison’s bill includes funding for both active transportation and safe routes to school which could including secure bike parking, that critical last part of someone’s journey. I encourage you to support it.”